What is Bad/ Good “Lock”, Higher or Lower energies?

There is one big group of people who you see are always happy, even if they have difficulties you always see them surrounded by people who help them or maybe help is always nearby them though whatever it maybe.

And on the other side there are people who try to put so much of effort that it can even tilt the world upside down and yet only few grains of sand seem to budge from their place.

Some seem to be very much positive, and blessed with good things and people and resources; whereas some seem to be just devoid of good things in life? Why so?

What’s the difference…. are some people lucky? and others not?

Everything in this universe happens with 0% effort, means God made this existence and its meant to be. So no matter what you do or don’t do, the universe will continue to exist and be according to God’s plan. So all the things that you are meant to do are always going to come to you easily. Also when I say this some people will think that they always have to make iron rod bending efforts for the tiniest task at hand. But that’s not the fact. Your life’s path is always easy, and effortless. If its difficult, its not your path. Maybe you might be trying to walk path of someone else.

There are also many times that people feel that there are certain lower energies who stop them from doing good things, or there are some bad vibes that make them do bad things to their life.

Well the difference between both the groups of people is that the one who thinks that whatever happens in their life is only because of them, they will always be more positive & successful in their lives.

The one’s who think that there is some bigger force that wants to bring bad things into their life or maybe punish them then they are going to get it! How? because they feel that the force is bigger then them and so they wouldn’t be able to fight it anyhow.

Well, is it really this simple? YES. Life is really very simple. There are few people who never learn “difficult” “impossible” words in their life. They will never give up any task without giving their 100%. Whereas the other group that thinks that God/ higher force wants them to suffer because they are sinners etc will never be able to get into higher places of success. Well it does feel mean to write God here, but yes some people do think that God doesn’t want them to succeed. On the other place there are people who believe that whatever they be or do God is always going to help them, and let only Good flow through them.

There’s one more thing, God does bring hindrances and problems sometimes across your paths. Its not because he wants you to suffer, but sometimes the hindrances are put inorder that you take a better & smoother path. But some people just squat & whine near the stop signal that God has given them. God cant help it! You have to stand up and walk, then only God can give your instinct to move into proper directions. When you decide to just whine & dine over your problems God cant help it. Why? coz humans are born with freewill.

Some people do blame this as lower energy interference’s in their life, but remember you will attract only what you are. If you yourself are low, feel low about yourself/ life then that’s the energy moving around you. To get to higher level & be surrounded by only high energies you need to think high. If you continue to be in the lower level you will be troubled by these lower energies, but if you raise your thoughts and start climbing higher these energies would no longer be with you as they are ‘lower’.

So think and act wisely when you feel the ‘low’. You did something to get low, so you only have to do something to get out of the low.

Image courtesy – Stuart Miles from www.freedigitalphotos.net

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