Angel Advice- How should Indigo’s find that perfect friend, for a fulfilling life?

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Angel Advice- How should Indigo’s find that perfect friend, for a fulfilling life?

To know more about whether you are an Indigo or not read this and this

And now you know that you are an Indigo child or Indigo person, as ofcourse you are grown up by now!

You need to know few things that will hep you to find that perfect friend who is going to make your life fulfilling. If Indigo’s are not in the right company they are at danger.

You need to  be fulfilled only then you will feel good about yourself.

So the perfect way to find a good friend for you is here. Watch the video. And do share in comments below about your thoughts about the angel advice!

If you feel I missed out something, or if you have your angel deck then do give a shot at adding your own action steps for this in comments below!

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