What is the Purpose of putting TILAK on Forehead?

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I have been asked this number of times to share the Reason why I put the bindi/ tilak

on my forehead. So here’s the video for it. I have shared in details about WHY to put , WHEN to start putting and DIFFERENT MATERIALS that can be used for putting tilak 

Tilak putting is actually considered auspicious according to Indian Traditions, yet in modern times people have changed the tilak. Sticky bindies and artificial colours are used to adorn the forehead. But Traditional materials give more authentic results, energy wise. When Tilak is put regularly.

Watch this video carefully and take notes, I have tried to put in effort for bindi and its materials. Ofcourse there are a lot of material that are left out. So make sure you don’t think this video has all the info in the world.

Remember putting bindi, using crystals all helps with protection. But that doesn’t mean you keep treading on dangerous grounds. If you have necessary equipment to help with burns, you still wont go and keep burning yourself and putting your life in danger wont you? Keeping Energy Clean is necessary too.

Tell me what do you think about this, do you also believe in putting Tilak? Would you put tilak regularly? Let me know in comments

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