Month: July 2014

eight of cups tarot wisdom tip

Sometimes its good to move away from a situation even though there is nothing that has gone wrong, this might also apply for people/ places in our life. When you have finished learning from certain people/ place/ situations then you would automatically feel detached from them. No amount of Love, care or affection might then affect you.
Its always advisable to move away then, from where you feel you dont belong at all. As staying at that place will just make your life stagnant and feel as if its not moving ahead at all.

three of cups tarot wisdom tip

Celebration, is the key to wellness in life…
Life is first of all a celebration, celebrating ‘being’ in a form from the formless;
Learn to celebrate the little joys of life
It helps you to release stress & believe that life’s good.
Life always brings you more of what you appreciate
And so your celebrating little joys, will help you attract more and more moments which you could celebrate.

And celebrate the NOW, rather then waiting for something big in future to happen after which you could celebrate.

There is no future or past, in life there’s only present. And so celebrate it.

Celebrate your growing, laughter, new desk, new job, new responsibility, new bed linen….. There’s no end to it.

the fool, tarot wisdom tip

When you are new to something, stepping into the unknown, are not sure whether the next step would bring success or failure;
Trusting in the process of Life is essential
Trust in the Divine that brought you to this situation
Faith that you will be safe, and taken care of helps you to win half the battle.
Let go off all worries, just let go and take the leap into the unknown. You did the same thing before getting born on this planet and then realized it as a magical place & fell in Love with it!
So you never know what the next leap would bring to you.

tarot wisdom tip, the star

Every night brings a sign of hope, as stars shine brightly upon your dreams promising them to come true when you wake up next morning.
You should never stop dreaming,
Dream big, as the one who dreams has the power to make those dreams come true!
The Star card brings the shimmering lights of stars, a ray of hope when the dark nights have set in…

six of cups, tarot wisdom tip

Life gives you certain things more and something’s less
You need to share what you have in abundance;
Space emptied will help you to fill up with things that you need the most
To attract what you like in your life,
You first have to empty things that dont appeal you too much or are available to you more then required.
Matter, Relationships, ideas etc which are of no use should be given away to attract what you wish for the most!