Do you get Irritated about something, others are doing or having?

Did this quote rattle your mind? go ahead and know why, and how to deal with it...

In this case there are 2 things that can happen, either you will realise that you have a flaw that you dislike in others. Or you'll feel that you keep yourself perfect with certain things so well, that when other's are lousy about it; will make you feel irritated.

And you'd like to know what to do about it, in both the cases?

Example 1 -

So this is the first case, where you may yourself have weight issues, you maybe overweight. And when you see that other's have the same issue, it bugs you. Because its the thing that you have not been able to resolve yourself.
This can also apply to habits, maybe habit of smoking. You smoke yourself and haven't been able to stop that addiction. So when you see smokers you get irritated by their habit.
The smoking or the weight reminds you of your own weakness or failure of overcoming of the habit/ condition. That you get that feeling.

So whats next, how to deal with it?

To overcome this irritation you need to start working on yourself. Use EFT to resolve the "irritation" such that the scale comes down to 0 or 1. If you don't know how to use EFT then go here

Example 2 -

So in this second example it is not your weakness, its your strength. Your strength in some area is so well, that when you see other's weak in that situation/ area. You get bugged.
For example - you are a Fashion Freak, you like to dress up well. Pair up shoes well with accessories and your attire. But when you see other's shabbily dressed; it bugs you.

This can also be your perfection in any other area, like being very good at mathematics. And when you see others weak with maths. You get irritated or start hating that person.

So how do you Deal with this?

In this case you need Forgiveness and Acceptance. Here there's nothing wrong with you, but not able to accept people lesser then you is definitely a thing. You can again affirm

"I accept this person, I accept that everybody cannot be perfect like me, I accept the uniqueness in this person"

Also you can help other's enlighten or give knowledge about what you have perfection for, that will give them the knowledge. And help them make better. Remember not everyone will be fashion oriented or would like to be perfect.

Giving them a choice whether they want to learn this from you, should be offered compassionately. If they choose to accept then heartily give them the knowledge and tips(I think you'll love doing this). And if they deny the offer, its still a lesson for you.

"Learn to Accept People the way they are, with what they Like"
Thats Diversity of Life

So this is what I had to say for this post, does it answer your Question? If not, please post your concern in comments below. I will try to fit it into this post, if I find it different then what's mentioned here. Thank you for reading...

It's a different thing to be bugged by things in life, and its a totally different thing to actually want to improve oneself from that. Not everyone who saw this Quote, thought of changing their "irritating feeling". You thought of it, and so you are are a step ahead then the others; you care about how to think and feel. And want to be better in life. Reading the post till here, proves that.

Keep up the enthusiasm of Life Improvement and Personal Improvement! Because life is about constantly improving self to improve life. Only then you can expect better things to happen in life. If you feel this will help others, do share this post with them too. Until then...

See you next time, bye

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