What is Numerology? How can it Help?

If you’d like to watch this video in Hindi, go here – http://www.souls-purpose.net/2018/01/what-is-numerology-how-can-it-help-in.html

What is Numerology? How can it help? have you ever wondered?

Numerology is an ancient art of learning about people, places, things around you. And it doesn’t stop there, you can also learn how to use the powers of numbers inorder to improve your life.

We all are surrounded by numbers, and its difficult to say where and when you were totally devoid of energy of numbers. Its because each and every place, person and thing can be assigned a number. And that number will accurately state what sort of thing that is! Surprising? Yeah it is, but it does work that way.

So rather then stretching any point further, Id like to stress on fact that watch the video first. Then get to me in comments if you have any extra questions then what is shared in the video.

If you would like to have a Numerology reading with me, then go here – http://www.souls-purpose.net/p/numerology.html

That’s all from me for now, will get back to you later in next video

Love and Light

Angel Blessings

Priti Kansara


#numerology #Whatisnumerology #Howdoesithelp #Numerologist #PritiKansara #SoulsPurpose

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