Charges & Costs

Whatever work is done by Tarot, Angels, Hypnotherapy, Past life Regression, Kundalini Shaktipat & Life Coaching are all charged. Taking charges for whatever service is given is essential as this free’s from Karmic Baggage.
Karma means ‘to do’, and whatever we do for other’s good or bad comes back to us. So Karma what we do for others needs to be paid off. And the consultations that I give are a sort of help & service to mankind, yet they are Karma’s; Good Karmas which also need to be paid off. So I need to get something in return for the ‘good’ that you are getting. And money is the best exchange for any Karma.
This is the main reason why people like me all over the world take money in return for their good-deeds. As they don’t want to tie you up till uncertainty for the good deeds they are doing for you. Always insist on buying for the services/ goods that you need or want. As this releases you & me from Karmic Backlog.
Thank you for understanding!! 🙂

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